Nikon CoolPix 950 samples...

The following pages are pictures taken with my new Nikon CoolPix 950 digital camera. This camera can take up to 1600x1200 pixel images that are amazingly sharp and clear. Its the first affordable(?) digital camera I've found that is capable of film quailty images. For a great page on the camera, see Denny Cannon's CoolPix 950 pages

Anyways, without further ado, sorted merely by the date that I took them, for your general perusal, good *and* bad, here are the pages of thumbnailed pictures I've got so far. Virtually all of these were taken in close to full auto mode, only a few have even slight manual tweaks on them. All image files are direct downloads from the camera with no post processing at all. The full res 1600x1200 images are around 400k each, so if you are on a modem, I hope you are patient. Filenames ending in "-half" or "-800" are 50% reductions of the original images

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